Ceremonial Cacao Blend



Ceremonial Cacao Blend – Embrace Sacred Moments

Step into a realm of spiritual connection with our Ceremony Cacao Blend, a carefully curated blend designed for heart-centered ceremonies. Cacao, celebrated for its grounding and heart-opening qualities, takes center stage in this ceremonial blend, inviting you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection.

Key Features:

  1. Grounding & Heart-Opening: Experience the grounding effects of cacao, allowing you to anchor yourself in the present moment. Feel the heart-opening qualities that foster a sense of connection with yourself and others.
  2. Positive Uplifted State: The ceremony is crafted to elevate your state of being, creating a positive and uplifted atmosphere. Embrace the transformative energy as you set spiritual intentions and deepen your connection.
  3. Contradictions and Considerations: It’s essential to note that if you are on MAOI antidepressants, cacao is contraindicated due to its tyramine content. Similarly, if you take antipsychotic medication, consuming ceremonial cacao in this way is also contraindicated.
  4. Timing and Duration: The effects of ceremonial cacao typically manifest within twenty minutes to half an hour. Enjoy the immersive experience for two to four hours, depending on dosage and individual responsiveness.

Whether you’re hosting a sacred gathering or embarking on a personal ceremony, our Ceremony Cacao Blend is your companion for intentional and soul-nourishing moments. Elevate your spiritual practices and embrace the profound effects of cacao with this thoughtfully crafted blend.

Note: This product is not suitable for individuals on specific medications, and careful consideration should be taken based on individual health conditions. Please consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.


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